Friday, 16 September 2011

Scrappy String Blocks

One of the swaps I'm involved in is the Scrap-busters Bee on Flickr.  I was lucky to be the first one up to chose a block for everyone to make from their scraps to send to me. The block I chose was a scrappy string block that I saw on Sew Take A Hike's blog. Here's the link to her tutorial. (Click here)

I have one block yet to come, but a couple of my fellow swappers sent 2 blocks each, so I have a nice collection already. Here's a picture of them all laid out on my dining room table:

Don't they look great? I love the white strip that ties them all together. What do you make with your scraps?

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Dresden Star Quilt Finished!

Remember this quilt block?
It's now a completely finished mini-quilt! I love to put on the final binding and declare a project finished!

What's in your sewing basket that needs to be finished?? Do you love putting on binding or do you dread the last step in completing a quilt?


Saturday, 3 September 2011

Quilt for Grandson

Our latest grandson was born in April and I've finally finished his baby quilt! Better late than never?? I've been seeing this Dr. Seuss fabric everywhere and wanted to use it for this baby. Dr. Seuss was one of my favourite authors to read to my kids and although I complained every time they asked for "Go Dog Go", they were fun and easy to read.

Have you ever started a quilt and completed well after the event is was to be made for? Tell me about it!


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...