Monday, 10 October 2011

Vintage Look Sawtooth Quilt

This is a quilt that I saw in a Quiltmaker magazine and loved the mix of vintage pastels with the red pinwheels. Fabrics were collected, blocks started and the process was found to be tedious and it was difficult to get consistent sized blocks with all the triangles and bias seams. Needless to say, this quilt was put on the back burner while other, easier projects were started and completed. Over the years, the sawtooth quilt would come out, a few more blocks would get done, and then go back to it's home in the back of my closet. This year I pulled it out, determined that I would finish it and after a few starts and stops, it did get done.
 Here it is on my queen sized bed.
 Love the quilting done by Marie at Blueberry Hill Quilts, Chestermere, Alberta

And, in the end, I still love the quilt pattern, but not so much the process on this one. So, dig out those old, long forgotten projects, decide if they are worth finishing. If they are, get them done. If they aren't, give them away to someone else or cut them up for something else.


Thursday, 6 October 2011

Transportation Quilt

This past weekend was spent with my quilting friends at a quilt retreat in Central Alberta. I have a few projects well-started from having uninterrupted time to sew and hope to show you a few over the next couple of posts. My #1 grandson moved this summer to a big boy bed to make room for his little brother and I promised a quilt for that bed. I've collected a number of transportation themed fabrics and wanted to put them together with something that could be used as a road for him to drive his cars on. This is what I ended up with:
I puzzled over how to do the yellow dotted lines for quite a while and it's been the road-block that's prevented this quilt from getting completed. This is how I finally did it:
Cut 2 1/2" strip of yellow, full width of fabric
Cut 4 1/2" strip of gray, full width of fabric
Sew these strips together. If you have a large quilt, you can put 4 strips together as shown here:
Press well and then cut crosswise 3/4" (yes, that small!) Join these small pieces together end to end like this:
For the driving lanes, cut two 3" strips of gray, full width of fabric. Sew a gray driving lane, yellow line, gray driving lane together like this:
Cut your feature fabrics to the size you want (I used fat quarters and cut 4 squares 9"x9" from each.)
Lay out in a pleasing pattern and use your "highway" strips the same as you would any regular sashing. I assembled mine in rows and then sewed the rows together with a long strip of "highway" between. This is really an easy quilt to make, the blocks are one piece and the "highway" is really just basic sashing that's been re-invented as an imaginary highway for a little boy!

Happy Quilting!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Blue and White Quilt finished!

Just put the binding on last week and listed on Etsy today! Absolutely LOVE this quilt! The dark indigo blues are so rich and the diagonal movement from the block layout make this quilt spectacular! Machine quilted by my good friend, Marie, from Blueberry Hill Quilts in Chestermere, Alberta.

Here's my original post while I was making this quilt: Click here

Good night all!

Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...