It took most of the week, but the sewing room is cleaned up! Still have a lot of organizing to do in the big walk-in closet, so I'll show you that on another day.
All ready for the next project! This is my workspace, just a sewing machine and a cutting mat on a desk. The little quilts hanging just on the top left of this photo are all quilts I've received as part of the mini quilt exchange on Flickr.
Ann's workspace! |
To the right of my desk is my design wall - nothing fancy, just some inexpensive white flannel tacked to the wall. Easy to take down if needed, but large enough for a good size quilt. The blue, yellow and purple blocks are swap blocks I've received over the past year from fellow quilters all over the world. This will be my next big quilt to finish as soon as I figure out how I will put them together.
In the small space between the door and the closet is shelving where I keep all my buttons and knick knacks. The picture at the top is a pencil drawing done by me when I was in school studying to be an Architectural Technologist. I think I only got a C on it, but I am still proud of it!
I love that I can close the closet doors so you can't see how messy my stash is. I plan on replacing the small bookshelf here with a floor to ceiling one so all my magazines and books can live in one place. The books for the grandkids are also here as this is where they sleep when they come over.
And the bed is all ready for a sleepover. There are 2 mattresses on the bed so I can put one on the floor if needed. I would really like a trundle bed, but the space under this bed is filled with LEGO and Kinex building blocks. The bed surface is a great place to spread out fabrics when beginning a project!
So, you've had a virtual studio tour of my creative space. Leave me a comment so I will know you've been here! Thanks for visiting!