Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Picks from the Garden and a Pink Baby Quilt

Yesterday, I picked a few beets and made some lovely looking beet pickles. I don't think I've made them before, so I hope they taste alright! I do love how the golden beets look up next to the red beets! Very jewel toned colours!
Freshly picked beets!

Pickled beets ready for the pantry
 Just a peek at the 9-patch baby quilt top that is ready for quilting. The borders were not going to have 4-patches in the corners - I just cut the borders without thinking and cut 2 sides too short. So this is Plan B!
That's all for today!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

WIP Wednesday - July 18

Attaching the binding
 My sewing machine has been humming this week in between weeding sessions in the garden and the general duties of running a household! A few weeks ago, I sent a couple quilts off to my favourite long-arm quilter, Marie of Blueberry Hill Quilts in Chestermere, Alberta and I picked them up from her on Monday.
Jack's quilt
Greenlee's quilt
The bindings are almost done and then I will work on the pillow shams. My customer wanted her children's names incorporated somehow on the quilts and we decided that quilting the names in a border would be a great touch. Next time I should include Marie in that conversation because she was the one who had to figure out how to do it and make it look great. (And she did!)
Both quilts plus pillow shams awaiting bindings
 There's just one more quilt for this order - a baby quilt for the new baby expected this fall, and that will be next up on my to-do list!

Piecefully yours,

Linked up here:

Quiltsy Team WIP Wednesday
The Needle and Thread Network
Freshly Pieced

Monday, 16 July 2012

Back to the Sewing Machine!

 Well, it looks like my holiday is over and it's back to the sweat shop sewing room again! I have a custom quilt order that is just about finished and I should be able to show the 2 twin quilts, complete with pillow shams, to you later this week if the weather cooperates for a photo shoot.

And here's a sneak peek at what's on my design wall today - it felt a little weird to be working on Christmas quilts, but once the pieces were cut out, I couldn't wait to get them sewn together. I will be quilting these with some gold metallic thread and hopefully, the thread won't give me as much trouble as last time as I've gathered a few tips in the meantime!
Christmas Table Runner
My granddaughters were here for a visit last week and they were so awesome! We painted rocks, played at the park and just hung out. It was so great to have them stay!
Painting rocks? Or legs?
Just hanging out, like the monkeys!
Until next time!


Wednesday, 4 July 2012

WIP Wednesday - July 4

Just a peek at what I have on my design wall and on my sewing table today!
Pillow Shams to match custom twin quilts
Binding attached and ready for hand-sewing.
Pink 9-patch baby quilt started
That's all for now! Thanks for looking!


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...