Monday, 27 August 2012

Sewing Room Update

I was surprised by my sweet husband this weekend as he helped me lug the bunkbeds to their new home downstairs and sent me off to IKEA to buy the frames for the bargain desk tops I found on Kijiji over a year ago. The end result is a room just for me - a sewing studio with a huge table for spreading out fabrics and cutting boards. There's still some fine tuning to do, but that will come as I use the space and figure out what works and what doesn't.

So pop on over and see where I will be doing my creating this fall:
The Board Room Cutting Table
Sewing desk in the corner
Ironing Board and storage in walk-in closet
Next full-size quilt in progress
And in cleaning up, I checked my inventory for the coming fall season and found a spot that I couldn't quite get rid of on one of my baby quilts, so it's reduced in price from $110 to $60. The spot will not affect wear and may disappear over a few washings.
Price Reduced from $110 to $60 - Buy Here!
I found a few more things in my cleaning up, so you'll be seeing them over the next little while.


Wednesday, 8 August 2012

WIP Wednesday - August 8

Not much done these past few weeks on the sewing/quilting parts of my life, but the garden is alive and well and here's a couple pictures of what's been on my to-do list that's been getting done!

Happy Gardening!

Linking up with
Quiltsy WIP

Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...