Saturday, 2 February 2013

3x6 Sampler Blocks in Blue & White

Do you remember these blocks from the Flickr 3x6 Bee Quilt Block exchange? I pulled out the quilt blocks that had yellow and purple in them and made this quilt with batik sashing and borders.
And I had 6 blue and white blocks left that I thought I could make into a baby quilt, but when I got it together, it didn't look very baby-ish to me. And then it was put aside until I could figure out what I wanted to do with it. I decided I would add a pieced border and another border of the same blue I had already used to sash and border the original quilt blocks. I like how it's coming together so far!
I think when I have this blue and white quilt finished, I will go back and join the next exchange again. It's a great challenge for me to work with someone else's colour choices and it's fun to find a unique quilt block to make.


1 comment:

  1. Both are nice Ann, If you don't want to make more stars you could just have the stars in the top left corner and bottom right corner, then put a solid for the rest of that border. Just a thought.


A Farmer's Prayer Quilt

I rarely buy kits as I prefer to mix and match my own fabric selections to make a quilt but this quilt was a different story. I had purchas...