Wednesday, 6 February 2013

WIP Wednesday - February 6

Here's what's been happening in my sewing room this week:
 I've started basting some little 1.5" hexies from my scraps - not sure what they'll be when they grow up, but I've got plenty of time to decide! (Actually, this is NOT my sewing room - I was watching TV in my PJ's and was quite comfy on the sofa!)
And last week I started quilting this baby quilt on my machine, but for some reason, still unknown, when the bobbin thread ran out, my machine needle hit the plastic on the free-motion foot and broke the needle. The main shaft on the free-motion foot is slightly bent and my landscaper son did a quick fix by filing a bit off the plastic so I could finish. I have made this pattern a few times and I think I need to up the challenge by quilting something other than an all-over meander or loopy stitch. Any ideas?
 And today, I sewed at my friend's house and this is what she's been working on - a paper-pieced Harry Potter quilt. The pattern is a block of the month from Sewhooked and if you're a Harry Potter fan, this is an awesome project!


Linking up with
Quiltsy WIP Wednesday
Needle and Thread Network WIP Wednesday #76


  1. You are showcasing some lovely work!

  2. Very nice quilting, check out 'The Free Motion Quilting Project' for some new quilting ideas.

    1. Sam, I will check the free motion project out. I did look back at the beginning of 2012, but didn't keep up with it.

  3. The hexagon addiction! I need to pull out mine! I love your colours! Love that baby quilt! Good for you to have a son to fix the machine!

    1. I want to leave them next to where I sit to watch TV, but often have curious grandkids over that like to investigate sharp objects like scissors and needles!

  4. There are so many things one can make with hexies ..... That Harry Potter quilt looks very enticing .... how about practicing feathers on those baby quilts?

    1. In May I will be at Quilt BC in Penticton and am taking a class on feathers - watch for them as it is something I want to master!


A Farmer's Prayer Quilt

I rarely buy kits as I prefer to mix and match my own fabric selections to make a quilt but this quilt was a different story. I had purchas...