Wednesday, 27 March 2013

WIP Wednesday - March 27

Just popping in to show you what was happening in my sewing room today! I get together every week with a couple of good friends and they have been taking a class on Bali bowls at Along Came Quilting here in Calgary.

And their second class is tonight, so they were busy doing some prep work. Strips of fabric were pieced end to end and pressed and cording inserted. 

pressing fabric strips
Inserting the cording
 While my quilting friends were busy with their bowls, I finished this one up with borders and cut a piece of super soft Minky for the back so it's ready for quilting.

Pretty in pink!
And I have a Dr. Seuss themed project on the go that needs to be shipped tomorrow!

Dr. Seuss play mat.
So, even though it's felt like I haven't been in the sewing room much this week, I did have a few things that I made progress on!

Thanks to all who stop by every week via the link-up parties - I don't always have time to respond to every comment, but I read every single one and appreciate you coming by to visit!


Linking up with:
Quiltsy WIPs and Whatnots
The Needle and Thread Network WIP Wednesday #83

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Decorating With Quilts

When most people think of quilts, they think of traditional patchwork quilts, like Grandma used to make, that are used as a bedspread or blanket on a bed. Quilters, especially prolific quilters, often need to find other ways to use their creations and many quilts today are meant more for decoration than functional use. I've spent some very enjoyable time scouring the internet for some examples of quilts used in other rooms of the house to share with you. Enjoy!

I love a quilt draped over the back of a sofa or loveseat. A quilt displayed this way is a great way to add a pop of color into your room.

A glass front cabinet looks great with quilts and antique blankets stacked inside.
And quilts even look awesome in the bathroom. This one is used as a shower curtain.

I'll be sharing more of these over the next few weeks, so stay tuned!


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

WIP Wednesday - March 20

This is what I've been working on this week -
 I've cut some 7" squares from some solids - black, white, gray and yellow! I have a plan, but I might add some turquoise yet before I get started! Or not! You'll just have to wait and see.

Mini Quilts ready for quilting
A set of mini quilts layered and ready for quilting. These were fabrics and blocks left over from a quilt I made last year and I'm determined to use up every last bit! I'm starting with hand-quilting, but if I get impatient, I may finish them by machine. It's just sew relaxing to sit and watch TV with a needle in hand!

Granny Square Mini Quilt - FOR SALE HERE
And the first one is done while I watched a Harry Potter movie last night.


Linking up with
Quiltsy Team WIPs and Whatnots
The Needle and Thread Network WIP Wednesday #82

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Americana Doll Quilt

Americana Doll Quilt - FOR SALE HERE
 While sorting through my scraps of fabric (I have 2 rubbermaid tubs full!), I came across these little 1.5" squares I pre-cut from the left-overs of a quilt I made last year. These are from the American Banner line of fabrics from Moda. Have I told you that I love these fabrics? Even though I'm not American, the red, blue and tan colors speak to my country side and I love seeing what I can make with them. When I start with fabrics, the design sort of grows organically, and as I sewed this, I saw in my mind a miniature quilt that I have with similar design, but this one is a little larger finished.
Piles of 1.5" squares
 First I sewed them together in little 4-patch units - very scrappy, just tried to make sure each 4-patch was made of four different fabrics. I made 21 little units.
Little 4-patches
I wanted to put the little 4-patch units on point, so I got out my iPhone and used a sweet little app called QuiltRef to calculated what I needed for side triangles and corner triangles. Finished size of the 4-patch units was 2", so I entered that in and found I needed 4.25" squares for the side triangles (cut in 4 diagonally) and 2.5" squares for the end triangles (cut in half diagonally). I needed 12 corner triangles, so I cut 6 squares 2.5"x2.5" and cut them in half once diagonally. I needed 36 side triangles, so I cut 9 squares 4.25" x 4.25" and cut them in half diagonally and again on the other diagonal. If you need more of a visual, has a page showing setting triangles. Lay these out on your design wall or on your sewing table and carefully sew together. There will be some bias edges, so if you want to use your walking foot to minimize stretch as I did, go for it. Trim the sides so you have a quarter inch seam from the 4-patch points to the outside edges.

Sewn in strips
 I only had limited amounts of the prints large enough for borders and sashing, so I auditioned what I had and came up with this layout.  I didn't have enough red for another border, so I had to be satisfied with using it for the binding. The strips are cut the width and length of the 4-patch units, so measure up and match what you have. Pin at both ends and the middle before sewing to avoid the nasty stretchies of the bias edges.

Auditioning sashing and borders
Then, just find a great backing fabric. I used a little piece of matching stripe that I had quite a large piece of. Layer with your choice of batting, quilt as desired and attach binding.

Finished doll quilt
A peak at the back!
And a beautiful little doll quilt is done! This is a great project for a confident beginner. The bias edges can give some trouble, but if you stitch slowly and don't push or pull the fabric as it goes through your machine, you should be just fine!


Linking up with:
Quiltsy WIP and Whatnot
The Needle and Thread Network WIP Wednesday #80

Monday, 4 March 2013

Guild Friendship Quilts

Our local quilt guild (Dalemead Quilt Guild) makes quilts throughout the year for a few local organizations. Members of the quilt guild are encouraged to make quilts at home, often with fabric donated to the guild, and bring them completed to add to our collection that is usually distributed in May and June.
Double Four-Patch in Blues
 This year we have also been collecting scrap quilt blocks for making a couple group quilts. One of the patterns is the double four-patch. The pattern is from and is found here. This is such an easy quilt block to make and the light and dark chains really stand out when the blocks are put up on the design wall.
Scrappy String Blocks
The second quilt block we've been working on is a scrappy string block. The block is made starting with a white strip of fabric, 1.5" wide and about 11" long. Bright colored strips of fabric of varying widths are added to each side until a 6.5" square can be cut from it with the white strip in the center on the diagonal.

Our annual "Stone Soup" Day will be April 13, 2013 and anywhere from 20-30 quilters will gather, throw together the resources they have and cut and sew and quilt all day. We hope to have more than 40 quilts ready for donation by the end of our Stone Soup Day.

Wheatland Women's Shelter is the major recipient of donated quilts. Domestic abuse is a serious issue and there are more people needing shelter than space available. Women show up at the shelter with just the clothes on their backs and the donated quilts will go with them when they leave to set up a new home. You can read more about the shelter here:

The Strathmore Storefront school is an alternative schooling option for young people who don't thrive in a regular school setting. For many of these kids, graduating is a huge accomplishment. Quilts are donated and gifted to every graduating student and for the young moms in the program, baby quilts for their babies are also donated. The storefront school is part of the Golden Hills School Division.

And the last place that receives some of our donated quilts is Strathmore Victim Services, which services a larger area that includes Chestermere, Langdon, Indus and Dalemead, where many of our quilt guild members live. To find out more about the important work these caring people do, check here:

Do you have a favorite organization to donate to?


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...