Saturday, 25 May 2013

More Quilt BC 2013 photos

"In the Presence of the Elders" by Pippa Moore
I took a Quilt Journaling class from Pippa Moore at Quilt Canada in Calgary in 2010. We had about 10 exercises to go through - just sampling techniques on a small scale - and we completed 6 in class and the other 4 were homework. I still haven't finished those 4! I'm going to add them to my UFO (Un-Finished Objects) list and see if I can't get myself motivated to compete them! Here's the piece she had in the show last week in Penticton.
Artist statement for "In the Presence of the Elders"
This next quilt was amazing! At first, I went right past it without paying much attention to the details. The second time, I looked a little closer. The thread work on this was stunning. From free form machine thread play to hand-stitched running stitches, this quilt had so much going on, but you had to look close, just like you have to look close to see the beauty of a snowflake.
"Canadian Conversation Starter" by Darlene Chapman
Machine and hand thread work together (and beading too!)
Hand stitching with different thicknesses of thread
 And this irregular shaped quilt drew me closer by it's depth and detail. Tyvek is a material used to wrap the outside of a house before putting on the finishing material, but quilters are using it to produce texture and depths in their quilts. Beads and french knots cozy up together to resemble lichens on the rocks - a close up view shows the detail!
"Lichens on Rocks" by Helen McPherson
Details of "Lichens on Rocks"
Artist Statement for "Lichen on Rocks"
Hope you are enjoying this little peek into the quilts that caught my eye last week! Thanks for visiting!


1 comment:

  1. Hello Ann, I love your quilts so many of them are like paintings. Both of my daughters quilt so I know how much work goes in to making a quilt.


    Dessie Durham~Artist


A Farmer's Prayer Quilt

I rarely buy kits as I prefer to mix and match my own fabric selections to make a quilt but this quilt was a different story. I had purchas...