Wednesday, 29 May 2013

WIP Wednesday - May 29

Today was rainy and wet! And we still haven't dried out from the rain we had last week! Oh, well, that means my sewing machine will get used and my garden will have to wait! I planted some of my seeds yesterday morning - before the afternoon showers started. I had some help from my grandsons - the 3 year old was very good at placing the pea seeds into the row and keeping some space between them. The 2 year old was quite funny - he would grab some seeds and then throw them into the garden, not caring where they went! I'm sure there will be pea plants everywhere!!

But back in the sewing room today, I had my friends here for our weekly sewing day. And I had a little show 'n' tell as I received a quilt in the mail from a swap on Flickr. The theme for this mini-quilt swap was flowers or birds and the quilt I received had such a lush bouquet of blooms! I loved every bit of this quilt and will be finding a place for it where I can look at it every day!

And I'm not very good with deadlines, as my quilt for this swap should have been in the mail days ago! I'm still stitching!!! But I can't show you the whole thing yet as it needs to be a surprise for my partner. So, you're going to get this little sneak peek! Don't you just love the colours?

As you can see, I'm doing a little hand-applique! At one time, everything I made was hand-quilted and I loved the relaxing rhythm of the stitching. But now, everything I make is machine quilted, either by myself or by my long-arm quilting friend, and I find I miss the hand-work.


Linking up with
Quiltsy WIP and Whatnots
Needle and Thread Network WIP Wednesday #92
Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday


  1. The quilt you have recieved is just lovely - a beautiful bocquet alright. And what you are working on also looks nice, I'm sure you'll have fun filling in teh timeuntil you can get back out to the garden!

  2. this quilt is gorgeous - lucky you - place of honour indeed! Have fun finishing off the applique on the one you are swapping - looking forward to seeing it revealed.

  3. Amazing. Beautiful work.

  4. Love the overlapping flowers, beautiful color choices too.

  5. What a happy piece. I can see why you like it so much.

  6. Fabulous flower bouquet! Can't wait to see your finished swap.

  7. Beautiful flower quilt. Looking forward to yours when it's finished.

  8. Beautiful quilt! Isn't it nice to have helpers!

  9. What a beautiful quilt, lucky you!

  10. What a lovely bouquet you received, and your applique looks great, too.

  11. Beautiful flower quilt that you received. Can't wait to see yours!


A Farmer's Prayer Quilt

I rarely buy kits as I prefer to mix and match my own fabric selections to make a quilt but this quilt was a different story. I had purchas...