Friday was road trip day for me and one of my quilting friends. The
Central Alberta Quilt Show is always a great event, well-organized with plenty of quilts for eye candy and a great selection of vendors to clear the wallet of any loose change! Here's a few examples of the eye candy!
This quilt caught my eye as the rural lifestyle has always been a large part of my life, throughout my childhood and my adult life. These draft horses remind me of the team of Percherons that my father-in-law had towards the end of his life and the stories he told of when he was young, farming with the horses.
I have signed up on for the Gloria Loughman class to make this landscape quilt. My friend has made this one too and if I can snag a pic next time I'm at her house, I'll show you hers too. I love the way the piecing provides the perspective and Gloria Loughman is a great teacher - this online class is worth every penny as you not only get to make this quilt, but there are tons of other tidbits of knowledge there too.
I love quilts that combine traditional piecing with handwork of any kind. Usually this means applique, but here's a great example of a lovely Halloween themed embroidered piece framed by quilting. I'm not a huge fan of the bright oranges that usually accompany Halloween pieces, but this one could find a spot in almost any decor and not scream "Halloween".
And this was just a simple patchwork quilt with some sweet embroidery and yo-yo flowers to dress it up. This would look great on a little over the shoulder bag don't you think?
There were many more quilts, but also people to visit with as I met up with quilting friends from all over Alberta who were also there to look and shop!
What's the best quilt show you've been to? Do you spend more time browsing the quilts or shopping at the vendors?