Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Guild Tinners Exchange Done!

I have always been one to enjoy a challenge. I've participated in a few online quilt block swaps and mini quilt swaps. 
But it's always fun to do a challenge with people you see in person on a regular basis. The Dalemead Quilt Guild that I belong to has been exchanging tins in what is called the "Tinner Exchange".
Everyone who wanted to participate brought a tin and $10 to the first meeting. At the next meeting, they were given a tin that contained some fabric and either a pattern or a theme.
Because we had quite a few members signed up, we were split into 2 groups and all our exchanges were within that group.
Each month we were to make a block with the fabric in the tin we had and bring it back to the following meeting to pass the tin on to the next person in the group and to collect the tin we were to work on next.
Because we have many quilt guild members who are snow birds or had extensive travel plans, we weren't very good at keeping to a once a month schedule.
Sometimes tins were exchanged early, sometimes 3 or more tins were received at the same time.
I think we drove the organizers of the exchange batty by not following the schedule!
 When all the tins were finally finished (one block for each member of the group in the tin), we drew names for each tin.
Here's an earlier post with some pictures of the tinnner blocks in progress:
And another post:
Because there were only 11 people in our group, I needed an extra block to bring some balance to the quilt layout. I had this kimono block kit from Diane McGregor from Castilleja Cotton that was a gift from Quilt Canada 2010 in Calgary.
And I love this block - it was amazing to see all the different techniques and blocks that were made with just one fabric (the one on the lower left in the picture above) and a theme (Japanese).
Here's my tentative layout. I just need to find some fabric for sashing and a fabric to use to bring the blocks up to the same size.

Have you done any challenges lately? Do you love them or not so much?

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Thursday, 8 May 2014

Finishing Quilts

Some weeks are for piecing and starting projects. This week was about getting some projects finished and off the to-do pile. I did get my 9-patch and snowball back from being quilted and because I had made the binding when I pieced the quilt, it only took a short time to machine stitch the binding on and a label, so it's now ready to find a new home!
Sweet Serenade 9-patch and snowball quilt - FOR SALE
 I also finished the mini quilt I started a couple weeks ago and I had such a good time using my scraps and love the finished project, I may just make another one or two because I can!
Scrappy 4-patch mini quilt
And these baby quilts made from scrappy 9-patch blocks are flying out of my shop, so here's another purple one to replace the one that was sold in March. The pink one also found a new home, so the blue quilt has been looking rather lonesome!
Scrappy purple baby quilt - FOR SALE
So, now my sewing table is clear for a couple new projects! Can't wait to show you!


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...