Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Wildflower Inspiration

I am so thankful that we live where we can travel a relatively short distance and be in the middle of the Rocky Mountain foothills. 
Wild Tiger Lily
 Throughout the summer, these foothills come alive with various wildflowers, each season bringing in a different palette of color and texture.
 This past weekend I enjoyed an opportunity to camp with my family in the middle of this beautiful wilderness.
Wild Delphinium
 And along with photos of my kids and grandchildren, I managed to take some of the flowers that were in bloom.
Indian Paintbrush
These may become inspiration for a quilt further down the line, but for now, I'm just enjoying the show that nature put on! I hope you like seeing some of the things that inspire me!


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Monday, 28 July 2014

Berry Picking Time!

Those of you who have been reading this for a while will know that besides quilts, I also like to garden. This past week the U-pick farms have been open for picking Saskatoons (aka Serviceberry). These berries grow on bushes and as a child, we would just go out in the bush and pick them wild. I don't have any berries in my own garden and places to pick the wild ones are becoming more scarce, so I spent a pleasant hour picking berries last week at a local U-pick.
Saskatoon berries on the bush
Beautiful saskatoon berries!
Pie ready for the oven!
 I've misplaced my favorite pie recipe, so I used another and although it's still good, it's not the one I would like to share with you. My other favorite thing to make with Saskatoon berries is a simple berry sauce for over ice cream. Yum!

Saskatoon Berry Sauce

2 cups saskatoon berries (or blueberries)
1 cup water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
3/4 cup sugar (I use a scant 1/2 cup)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon almond extract

Mix berries & water in a 2 quart microwave safe dish and cook at 100% (high) 5-7 minutes or until boiling. Sit. Cook at 70% (medium) 3-5 minutes, stirring once. Mix cornstarch and sugar and stir into berries. Cook at 100% (high) for 90 seconds to 2 minutes stirring at a minute. 
Add lemon juice and almond extract. Cool. Serve over pancakes, waffles, ice cream or plain yogurt.


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Thursday, 10 July 2014

A Flimsy Done! (translation - Quilt Top Finished!)

I love to piece quilt tops and I had a package of fat quarters from a customer that she wanted made into this quilt: Raspberry Parfait by Verna Mosquera of The Vintage Spool. The fabrics she chose are Floral Collection Antique Rose printed by Lecien in Japan.

Normally, I stay away from quilts with lots of triangles, because they can be fussy and sometimes it's hard to keep points sharp and pieces of fabric from stretching with bias edges. I must say that I am very happy with this quilt. I slowed down my sewing speed and took the time to trim up pieces that were out of shape as I went and the end result shows that attention to detail.

Now, I just need a trip to the fabric store to find a backing so I can quilt it!


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Stop and Smell the Roses!

Here's what's blooming in my yard this week! Wish there was a way to share the lovely scents with you too!

Morden Centennial Rose
Hardy Single White Rose (unknown variety)
Hardy double pink rose (unknown variety)
Hardy Yellow Rose (unknown variety)
Rosa Rugosa "Hansa"
Hope you enjoyed the rose tour of my yard!

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Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...