Monday, 25 August 2014

Monday Mumblings

Good sunny Monday morning!
I have a huge list of things to get done this week and not sure if I'll actually get anywhere on that list, but blogging seems to be a good way to procrastinate!

American Banner from Moda Coasters - For Sale
Last week we took the RV out for a few days and I took along my sewing machine and a few projects. I've had so many big quilts that I've been working on, and it was a nice change to work on some smaller items and actually see a few finished.
Blue Table Runner - For Sale
This denim blue fabric line is great. I am going to find a pattern for a tiered skirt and get a little more of it and actually sew something for myself from it. Blue is still my fav color!
Blue Table Runner - For Sale
This cute double four patch table runner is an easy pattern to make up and you can make it from fat quarters in your stash or buy some specially just for this. Pattern is here or click on the Tutorial tab above!
Denim Blue Mug Rug - For Sale
And these mug rugs were made from the selvedge edges of the fabric - usually thrown in the garbage, but not this time!
Denim Blue Mug Rug - For Sale
These were quilt as you go, so when the top was done, so was the quilting! I have a whole tub of selvedges, so there will be plenty more of these in the coming weeks!

Piecefully yours!

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Applique Lessons from the Past

A week or so ago, I made a baby quilt with a dog applique. As I made the quilt, I thought about the ways that I have done applique before - time consuming needle-turned applique and fused applique with machine stitching around the outside. But I didn't want something that was going to take a lot of time, or that left the baby quilt feeling a little stiff as fusible applique does. Sometimes you don't have to look to far to find a technique that gives the results you want and I took a closer look at an antique butterfly quilt that I have from my sweet husband's grandmother. (I'm saving the picture of her full quilt for another post!) Here's a close up of her applique:
My example for this applique method!
The hand done buttonhole stitch she did was very fine - these are about 1/8" apart, but you can see underneath the white machine straight stitch she used to tack down her shapes before adding the decorative stitching. I wanted to duplicate her technique and carefully pressed the seam allowance around the dog shape and used a straight stitch to sew it onto the quilt top.
Straight stitch around applique
 Then I set up my machine for a buttonhole stitch, adjusted it for the width and spacing I wanted and sewed all around the outside. It worked great!
Blanket stitch around outside of applique
And then, I thought about how babies like to play with their blankies and added a Minky lined ear flap, just for fun! I hope this baby loves their blankie!
Dog applique ear flap
 Do you applique? Tell me about your favorite method!
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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

What's on my design wall?

This week, my design wall was covered with T-shirt logos for a custom T-shirt quilt. I have 2 to make for this customer and this was the first one.
And this is a project I'm working on in between other quilts! Every so often, I pull the box of pieces (already cut!) and sew together a few blocks. Before I know it (I hope!) this top will be done and ready for quilting!
Yellow and gray continues to be a popular color combo for me - this one in mustard yellow and a charcoal gray for a baby's nursery. I also finished 2 other baby quilts that I had cut the fabric for earlier and one is already sold and on it's way to Missouri!
 Finally, this signature quilt made up of signature blocks from a year or so back is finally layered and ready to quilt, so next time I have an hour or so to quilt, this one will get finished. The signature blocks were collected from fellow members of the Quiltsy team - quilters who are also selling their quilts on Etsy!
 So, it has been a productive summer so far!
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Monday, 11 August 2014

Fabric Collecting!

Star Gazer Quilt Pattern
The pillow cover features 3-D butterflies and the pattern is from Chitter Chatter Designs.
All A-Flutter Pillow
These should be a lot of fun to make and collecting fabrics will be a great way to pass the time until I can get started!

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Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...