Monday, 25 August 2014

Monday Mumblings

Good sunny Monday morning!
I have a huge list of things to get done this week and not sure if I'll actually get anywhere on that list, but blogging seems to be a good way to procrastinate!

American Banner from Moda Coasters - For Sale
Last week we took the RV out for a few days and I took along my sewing machine and a few projects. I've had so many big quilts that I've been working on, and it was a nice change to work on some smaller items and actually see a few finished.
Blue Table Runner - For Sale
This denim blue fabric line is great. I am going to find a pattern for a tiered skirt and get a little more of it and actually sew something for myself from it. Blue is still my fav color!
Blue Table Runner - For Sale
This cute double four patch table runner is an easy pattern to make up and you can make it from fat quarters in your stash or buy some specially just for this. Pattern is here or click on the Tutorial tab above!
Denim Blue Mug Rug - For Sale
And these mug rugs were made from the selvedge edges of the fabric - usually thrown in the garbage, but not this time!
Denim Blue Mug Rug - For Sale
These were quilt as you go, so when the top was done, so was the quilting! I have a whole tub of selvedges, so there will be plenty more of these in the coming weeks!

Piecefully yours!

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1 comment:

  1. I love blue and white quilts! Yours are so pretty.


A Farmer's Prayer Quilt

I rarely buy kits as I prefer to mix and match my own fabric selections to make a quilt but this quilt was a different story. I had purchas...