Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Mini Stockings

Every year our guild gathers donations of toiletries for our local Wheatland Crisis Shelter. This year we did something a little different and packaged those toiletries in little stockings made from the method shown on Diary of a Quilter's blog here
Stockings filled with toiletries
These were such fun to make, took only a little fabric and are super easy. The pattern was a bit small for what we needed (it's perfect for gifting gift cards), so we added about 1/2" all around the printed pattern.
Donations for Wheatland Crisis Shelter
Do you make anything in your sewing room for charitable causes? I'd love to hear about it!


Sunday, 10 January 2016

Repeat Customers

Repeat customers are the best! This customer is great to work with and pushes me gently out of my comfort zone to make quilts for her family. The first quilt is a baby quilt in teal blue and tangerine orange with a square in a square pattern.
Square in square Baby Quilt
And this one is a twin in oranges with smaller blue squares. We wondered if so much orange would make this look a little Halloween-wish, but it looks just great for a modern boy's room.
Orange and Blue Disappearing 9-patch
Baby quilts are always fun to make and this one was for a baby girl nursery decorated in a jungle theme. If you click on the photo, you can see the detail close up and the prints I chose. The dark brown one looks pretty dark in the photo, but is a great Heather Ross (I think) print of pink butterflies on a brown background.
Baby girl Jungle Quilt
I hope there will be a few more quilts to be made for this customer! It's such a satisfying feeling to know someone likes your work enough to come back and get one (or two or three) more quilts!


Friday, 8 January 2016

Christmas Mug Rug

Now that Christmas is over, I still have a few projects to share with you. One of the quilt guilds I belong to had a mug rug exchange at their Christmas potluck. I found a great mug at Home Sense that had a beautiful poinsettia on it. And I had a great Robert Kaufman poinsettia fabric at home that was a pretty close match.
Poinsettia Mug Rug
I added a checkerboard border from some ivory & green Christmas fabrics. A little quilting with an all over meandering pattern & a green border and this mug & mug rug were ready to go!
Finished Poinsettia Mug Rug
Love the result! Might have to make one of these for myself if I can find another mug!


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...