Wednesday, 27 April 2016

WIP Wednesday - Something old, Something new

Something Old:
This week had me pulling out a package of fabrics left from a previous quilting project. The more interesting prints of this fabric bundle were mostly used up, so the challenge was to make something with the more bland (IMO) prints that were left.
Layout Number 1
I started by using squares already cut to make 1/2 square triangles. Then I took two very similar fabrics (same pattern, different color) and made some 4-patch blocks.
Layout Number 2
Then I cleared my design wall and played and rearranged the pieces until I had an arrangement that I liked.

Layout Number 3
Which layout do you like the best? This only makes a piece that is 36" x 48", so I will still have to come up with some borders to make it a lap size quilt or larger.

Something New:
The other project on my design wall is a Christmas tree skirt using a wedge ruler. I am using the 10 degree ruler for this one and am beginning to see all kinds of possibilities for using this and the 9 degree ruler for making circle quilts.
The fabrics I chose were just something I had on hand - bought long ago without a plan and just enough to make one tree skirt.
Strip sets were sewn together, then wedges cut and then it was time to see how it all looked! Can't wait to finish this one and then try again with different fabrics.


Monday, 25 April 2016

Scrappy Double Irish Chain Quilt

As much as I like quilts that are made from a single fabric line, my true love in quilting is to make quilts from scraps. For me, it's a closer connection to the roots of quilting, where women (and some men) used fabrics from worn clothing to make warm coverings for their families.
The pieces of a double Irish chain quilt
 This scrappy double Irish chain quilt has been in progress for a while. When I have scraps from quilt projects that are smaller than 6" square, I will cut them into 1.5", 2" & 2.5" squares that I collect in see through plastic containers. When I feel inspired to make something scrappy, I can just go to these tubs and start sewing!
Sunflower Scrappy Irish Chain
This quilt is what I would call co-ordinated scrappy! Most of the squares are totally random colors - you will find everything from pastel to Christmas to civil war to batiks and many more, but the yellow squares were placed specifically to make the diagonal lines of the traditional Irish chain pop out. I did not have enough yellows in my scraps to make all these blocks, but it was easy enough to use a few larger pieces of yellow fabric to make up what I needed.

And then I had this wonderful sunflower fabric from a friend that makes a perfect border! This quilt is now off to Blueberry Hill Quilts to be quilted and I'm looking forward to getting it back and getting some awesome outside photos to share with you!


Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Jelly Girl Quilt from Kate Spain fabrics

Last June, I attended Quilt Canada in Lethbridge and although I usually don't buy a lot of pre-cut fabrics, Hamel's Fabrics from Chilliwack BC had their jelly roll packages for the great price of $39 each. When I finally unrolled this jelly roll of Kate Spain fabrics, I wasn't sure what I would do with it.
A friend of mine had just finished a quilt top using the Jelly Girl Pattern from Fig Tree Quilts and I ordered the pattern so I could use it for this jelly roll.
I matched up my strips and sewed them together and made my hexagons.
 The technique in this pattern of making the hexagons in 2 pieces eliminates the set-in seams that traditionally are used in a pattern like this. The quilt top was pieced quickly and the left over pieces in the strips were pieced together for an added pieced border on the top and the bottom.
The only problem I had with stockpiling jelly rolls is that the yardage that coordinates with the fabric line may not be available when the quilt is finally being made. So I went to my local quilt shop and found a hot pink solid cotton and a turquoise print (not shown) to make borders.

This quilt is now being quilted at my favourite long-arm quilter's Blueberry Hill Quilts in Chestermere and I am looking forward to showing you the finished quilt soon!

And just a few scraps were left after making the quilt top and I turned them into this lovely doll quilt that I am going to give to my granddaughter's for their dolls.


Sunday, 17 April 2016

More Miniature Quilts and a Table Runner

This great red and gray Christmas fabric line is called Holiday Magic and is designed by Jan Shade Beach and produced by Henry Glass Fabrics. This keeping track of designers and fabric manufacturers is for me, a very new thing. As my fabric collection grows, it helps me to know who produces a fabric line as it makes it easier for me to find coordinating fabrics at a later date if I need more.
Holiday Magic Table Runner
 I've made a few wall quilts already with these fabrics, but used some strips to make a large table runner (shown above).
Holiday Magic Log Cabin Mini Quilt
 I've shown you this one before, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. The gray side of the log cabins are quilted with a small meander free motion quilting pattern and the red logs are quilted with a straight line star burst design which looks great in person and is hard to show via my poor photo skills! LOL!
Star burst quilting on Log Cabin Mini Quilt
 And this little quilt was shown to you before, but is now quilted and finished. The little squares are quilted in the ditch, the sashing separating the pieced bars are quilted with a free motion loop pattern and the border is done with a free motion zig zag.
Miniature Blue and Purple quilt detail
 Because the border on this was such a strong fabric, I decided not to use binding, but finished with this with a facing, leaving the border as a focal point.
Miniature Quilt
I am really enjoying the miniature quilts I've been making this year as they are giving me a great place to practice my free motion quilting skills and challenging me to find creative ways to quilt other than going to a basic free motion meander.


Friday, 15 April 2016

Another Baby Chevron!

This has been a popular pattern in my Etsy shop and I just love the colours for a baby girl. If you want to make your own, the tutorial can be found here:
Chevron Baby Quilt
The beautiful Minky backing flannel was bought last summer while on a road trip with my mom at a little quilt shop in the town of Vegreville. This prairie town is best know as the home of the giant Easter egg.
Vegreville Giant Easter Egg
Chevron Baby Quilt
The chevrons are a variety of Kona cottons in coordinating colours - two shades of coral, and two shades of turquoise, a light gray and white.
Chevron Baby Quilt
Quilting is in the ditch (along the seam lines) of the chevrons. I've seen some lovely quilting on chevron quilts, but I like to keep it simple when I have Minky on the back to keep the soft drape of the fabric.
Chevron Baby Quilt
I still have enough Minky to make another baby quilt and I've got a few ideas to change up the front using the same colours, but with a different pattern.

What about you? Do your purchases come with a story? Are your souvenirs related to your hobbies?


Monday, 11 April 2016

Canadian Maple Leaf Table Runner Finished!
Maple Leaf Quilt
Quilted and bound! I didn't do any planning for which direction the leaves would face & I like the final result of them going every which way.
Maple Leaf Quilt - quilting detail
The quilting is just a basic meander free motion quilting and lets the blocks and fabrics shine through.
Maple Leaf Quilt - fall colours!
At just over 30" square, this quilt looks great on a farmhouse table, but could also be hung on the wall if that suits your décor! Ready to ship! Click on photos for link to purchase!


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...