Sunday, 7 January 2018

A Winter Quilt

Beautiful machine embroidered snowmen + Scrappy pieced blocks = a unique quilt!
Irish Chain scrappy blocks
There are so many beautiful machine embroidery designs available and it's been such a fun time browsing and looking to see which ones I could use in a quilt. One of the sites I spent a lot of time browsing over the Christmas holidays was Bird Brain Designs. Their designs have just the right amount of primitive and I've always loved redwork.
Embroidered Snowmen
While busy making Christmas items, I cut all my scraps into 2" squares and started sewing them into scrappy blocks for a double Irish chain quilt. When I put them up on the design wall, I had a light bulb moment and decided I could use some embroidered blocks for the centers of the alternating blocks.
Partially laid out
I did run out of embroidery thread just one snowman short of being finished, so I'm not quite finished, but I'm pretty happy with how this is looking. I'll need a great Christmas fabric for a border and this will be a great quilt for Christmas 2018. I'm pretty sure I'll have it done for then!


Friday, 5 January 2018

Tea Cozies

Tea is a favorite beverage at our house and we love it when we can brew it in a pot, where the tea leaves have room to expand and give full flavor to the finished product. Trouble is, tea in a pot cools down and by the time I'm ready for cup #2, the tea pot has cooled down! Except when I use a tea cozy. My go-to tea cozy is one that I have from northern Canada made from heavy wool duffle fabric. I've had it for close to 20 years, so it's showing a little wear and tear!
Inuit tea cozy
With a little bit of hand embroidery, I've been making some patchwork quilted tea cozies that I love!
But first, tea. - SOLD
Tea, (n) a hug in a cup. - FOR SALE
but first, tea - FOR SALE

Drink tea. Read books. Be happy. - SOLD

If you are a tea lover like me and don't have a tea cozy yet, isn't it time to get one for yourself? Or would you like to see a tutorial on how to make one for yourself?


Wednesday, 3 January 2018

End of 2017

Way back in January I posted a list of Unfinished Objects (UFO's) that were awaiting completion in my sewing room.
12/17 done! Not too bad! Here are some pictures of the finished products! There were many more quilts made throughout 2017 - it was a productive year as I've got more energy than I've had for a long time! 
Little House simple Table Runner - FINISHED

Bow Tie Table Runner - FINISHED

Pink & Violet Star Table Runner - FINISHED

Spring Wallhanging - FINISHED
Tan w/ pink border lab quilt - FINISHED

House Row by Row - FINISHED
Blue jean circle quilt - FINISHED

Race Car Toddler Quilt - FINISHED

Pie Hot pads - FINISHED
Feather & Star Gray & Burgundy - FINISHED
Christmas Tree Skirt - FINISHED
Clearer photo of the tree skirt - FINISHED
I don't seem to have a photo of the Christmas Sampler Quilt, but I'll get one done as soon as I have someone to hold it up for me outside where the light is good, so watch for that to come soon!

And that leaves me with 4 quilts to carry over to my new list for 2018 as I missed the due date for the Proverbs Challenge quilt for my guild!
  1. Fisherman Wallhanging - still in progress
  2. QC2010 Lady Slipper Applique & Sashiko - still in progress
  3. Hexagon Tea Cozy - still in progress
  4. Christmas Bargello Table Runner - still in progress
  5. Proverbs Challenge Quilt - missed due date!

Thanks for stopping by! - Ann

Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...