Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Libby's Log Cabin

I've had a 1/2 yard bundle of Edyta Sitar's Blue Sky fabrics (Andover) for a while now, just waiting for the right project. 
Magpie Quilts
Blue Sky fabric bundle from Fat Quarter Shop
And this is the Libby's Log Cabin quilt I made a few years ago with a different bundle of fabrics. The pattern is from Fons and Porter and is easy to follow.
Magpie Quilts
Libby's Log Cabin in pastels
Blue is my favourite colour and these blocks were so much fun to put together. I planned the placement of the strips more in this blue version than I did in the green and pink version which was more scrappy.
Magpie Quilts
Libby's Log Cabin in Blue Sky fabrics
 As each block went on the design wall, the more I fell in love with this verion.
Magpie Quilts
Libby's Log Cabin on the design wall
 This quilt top is now off to Marie of Blueberry Hill Quilt in Chestermere for quilting and I can't wait to see it all finished! Look for this one to be finished later this summer!
Magpie Quilts
Libby's Log Cabin ready for quilting
I've been re-making some of my favourite patterns and it's fun to see how different they look depending on the fabrics chosen.
Magpie Quilts
Libby's Log Cabin in pastels
Which one is your favourite? I am also thinking this might work great with scraps - would you like to see this one again?


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...