I did a lot of custom quilt making in 2021 and one of the most challenging was to make a queen size quilt from a collection of Crown Royal bags.
The assortment of bags had a variety of purple, black and specialty bags. I bought some solid cotton fabric in a rich purple and a gold color to make the star blocks.
Bags were cut apart and then cut into squares that included the Crown Royal words plus some of the gold stitching that held the bags together. These were pressed carefully and with a cooler iron than I would use for an all cotton quilt as the thread on some (not all) would melt at the touch of a hot iron. (Experience points here!)
Because of the shear number of bags I was given to work with, I not only had enough for the centres of the star blocks, but also enough to make a border all around from the Crown Royal bags.
Some of the specialty bags were made from a suede like fabric and still others from a satin fabric that frayed easily. From an ease of construction point of view, a lot of the bags were very tricky to sew and to make into something that would not only look good, but wear well as a bed covering.
The plain cotton purple and gold fabrics were a great way to add stability to the blocks and sashing and to the overall quilt.
In the end, even though purple and gold are not my favourite colours to sew with, the end product looked great and even better, the customer loved it.
And there were a few bags left over that I included in the backing! (Waste not, want not!)
What do you think? Could you collect enough Crown Royal bags for a quilt? (This one has approximately 100 in the top.)