My name is Ann and I have been in love with quilting for most of my life, but an actual quilter since my kids were born over 30 years ago. My first quilt was a hand embroidered baby quilt that didn't make it past the 2nd baby and I haven't got a single photo of it to share. My second quilt was a bit more ambitious. It was a double wedding ring quilt that was one of the feature quilts in a McCalls quilting magazine. I painstakingly traced and cut out each piece by hand, hoping to sew it all together by machine, but quickly realized that wasn't going to work.
So, I carefully pieced it all together with hand stitching in all the stolen moments between caring for small humans. I'm so proud that I actually finished it even if it took me all of TEN years!
I've taken a few classes, but prefer to learn on my own. The internet and its endless resources have been such a source of inspiration for me. From online swaps to YouTube tutorials, there is always someone who can show you new ideas for quilting.
I started my Etsy shop, Magpie Quilts, in 2010. The first year I had hardly any sales, but each year I've grown that side of the business and have found some great online friends and community there. As with any venue, it has it's positives and negatives, but it's been a great place for me and my quilts.
With the combination of online and a few in-person markets every year, I've managed to make a little side-hustle that supports my hobby, keeps my passion for creating intact and allows me to keep making quilts without them overflowing my closets!
My kids are all grown and I have grandkids to make quilts for, so I still have lots to keep me busy. My quilts have gone from being entirely hand sewn to being all machine sewn, but I am still learning new techniques and upgrading my tools.
I look forward to reviving this blog and providing more content and maybe some digital patterns. We'll have to see where things go from here. What do you like to see when you read a quilting blog?? Inquiring minds want to know!
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