Thursday, 25 April 2024

Jean Circle Quilt

This pattern is a fav of mine and as my pile of worn out jeans piled up, I put aside a layer cake bundle (10' squares from the same fabric line) to use as the centers. 
There's a bunch of tutorials and patterns online, but I used the pattern Forever in Blue Jeans by Fons and Porter available at Quilting  Daily. I often get asked about the dimensions for this quilt, but I encourage quilters to purchase the pattern from the designer. 
I decided to sew the cotton fabric, batting and jeans together with an X before sewing the jean circles together as I had some minor issues with the last quilt I made like this with fabrics and batting shifting. This really helped hold things together and made for a better quilt in the end.
This time, I sewed down the curved flaps as I went instead of waiting until the entire quilt was done. Jena quilts are quite bulky and hard to manage at the sewing machine, so this saved the really tough seams until the very end.

And ta-da! All finished! Because I used the same brand/style of jeans, this quilt has a much more uniform look than the previous jean quilts I've made. Here are the previous jean circle quilts I've made. 
This one with earthy toned homespuns.

And this one in bright colors! These are great quilts for in the car and to take along on picnics or camping. They are sturdy and durable and wash up well. The raw jean edges fray a little more with every wash, giving the quilt a warm comfortable look.

I'm already collecting jeans for the next one!



  1. Beautiful. I’m curious about how you attach each Jean/fabric block to the next block, if you had already sewed the flaps down? Thank you for sharing, Marilyn

    1. Blocks are sewn together before sewing the flaps down.


Pillow Talk

The Farmer's Prayer Quilt had some fabrics left over and the pattern had bonus instructions for making a pillow.  A block echoing one th...