Use What You Have
I have a bin of fabrics from the Hyde Park line designed by Blackbird Designs. Some of it was already cut into squares in preparation for a project I had in mind, but never got to.
This scrappy Irish Chain pattern was free online and I've had it printed out, thinking I would use my many scraps to make it. And then it was on my table at the same time as I was looking at the Hyde Park fabrics and ta-da!There was some pink yardage in the bin with the Hyde Park pieces that were already cut, so I just started to add pieces to the design wall and put them together.
I have made more than a few Irish Chain quilts and I love how they get that diagonal movement using just squares of fabric. Making the squares next to the creamy white background all the same pink just looks amazing.
Love how it all turned out and bonus - it was scooped up by my nephew for his daughter's birthday present, so it's staying in the family!
pretty nice